Powerful Egg(s)
Anybody have any idea what is this? Hahaha..this is what so called "telur power" means powerful egg, consist of 2 half boiled egg, ginger, lemongrass, black pepper, 2-3 unknown spices and for sure honey.
@Keropok Lekor - Terengganu Most Famous Delicacy
Anybody have any idea what is this? Hahaha..this is what so called "telur power" means powerful egg, consist of 2 half boiled egg, ginger, lemongrass, black pepper, 2-3 unknown spices and for sure honey.
Di aghong oleh
2:43 PM
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This another beautiful photo courtesy from DCM Forum, taken by Shaolin Tiger. Can you see the detail of this raindrop? How beautiful it's stick on the leaf?
I really admire this photo, the way the photographer compose the picture is very nice, but how nice it is the creator of this creature (creature?) is still the great. Do you know who is the creator of all this thing? It is Allah s.w.t. the greatest of all.
That's why ,we as the slave of Him, shall thanks to Him everyday, we really admire His creation but do we admire the creator? Sometime we are easily forget that we are create by Him.
We as the imperfect human being shall try not to forget him too much. Everything we do in our daily life shall be accordance to what He has ruled. Trust me forget him not, He won't forget you either.
Happy Holiday
Di aghong oleh
3:19 PM
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Gambar bunga ni aku ambik masa hari raya baru2 ni, nicely bloom. Species tak tahu, tapi colourful dan cantik punya pasal aku snap lah sekeping.
Memang cantik ciptaan Allah s.w.t. tapi kita manusia tak pernah menghargai kecantikan, kesempurnaan dan bermacam-macam lagi pemberian Allah s.w.t.
Kita kadang-kadang selalu lupa, benda yang pada zahirnya tak berapa cantik sebenarnya tersimpan 1001 rahsia, macam pkok bunga ni lah, selama ini aku selalu tak perasan pun sebenarnya sebab pokok dia biasa je, tapi sekali dia berbunga, lihatlah betapa cantiknya ia.
Sama jugak dengan kita selalu tengok orang secara luaran aje, tapi apa yang sebenarnya tersirat disebalik yang kita tengok hanya Allah s.w.t sahaja yang tahu.
So, eloklak kita muhasabah diri kita, nilaikan dulu sesuatu sebelum kita membuat sebarang kesimpulan.
Aku rasa semua orang ingin berubah kearah yang lebih baik, tak ada siapa pun nak jadi tak baik, tapi pokok pangkalnya hati kita dan sekuat mana azam kita nak menjadikan sesuatu itu realiti.
Macam aku sendiri pun, dah berapa kali berenti hisap rokok, lepas 5-6 bulan hisap balik, kenapa? Sebab hati tak kuat, azam tak kuat. Itu aje sebenarnya.
Begitu jugak kita dengan Allah s.w.t. kalau ditimpa kesusahan je, doa bukan main panjang mintak itu, mintak ini tapi apa yang kita beri kat Dia? Adakah kita beribadat kepada Dia sampai bengka-bengkak kaki macam Rasulullah s.a.w? Tak malu ke kita kepadaNya? Tapi Allah itu maha pemurah dan maha mengasihani.
Di aghong oleh
4:41 PM
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