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Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday or Jumaat

Friday - the day that full of wisdom. Out of Ramadhan we are not encourage to fast on this day, because it is a small Hari Raya gathering for all muslim.Heaven and Hell was created by Allah on friday. Earth was created on Friday and so many wonders happen on Friday.But, today I'm really hungry, I get my sahur done, but it so weird why on earth my stomach feeling so nauseate, this nauseating feeling came once a while,but it's make me so uncomfortable. Sometimes feeling like to vomit, it can make my puasa void for today.I think this may cause from what I have for my sahur, ketupat and rendang daging, do you think so? But, insyallah I will oppose(?) or fight(?) this feeling as hard as I can.Today is the day that all this weekend husband a.k.a MBA will go back to their love one. MBA won't be available for 2 days i.e. Saturday and Sunday. Ladies pls note that...hahaha.2 days that will be filled with a buka puasa (break fast-at dusk ) sahur (post midnight meal - beforedawn) ,activities with family, the rest of the day is sleeping and sleeping as much as you can activity (don't make mistake by my statement actually Islam encourage you to piety devotion to Allah and good deeds.), this is the way I spend my weekend most of the time.One the one of the Hadith, I cannot remember the Perawilah says" If you do not fast during the day of ramadhan without any reason that allowed you to break your fast, even you replace the fast (that you left behid) the whole of your life, it won't be acceptable" Today is Friday, I need to go for my Friday prayer (3 times you don't go without proper/acceptable reason you'll become kafir you know. Nauzubillahimanzalik).

Dah lah aku nak gi Solah jumaat ni,

Saturday and Sunday, striker will be off from blogging.

Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Office business

Salah ke tak salah kalau kita buat bisnes kat opis. Kalau tanya pendapat aku, aku rasa tak salah - tak salah langsung. Ianya salah kalau mengganggu kerja kita, betul tak.Sebenarnya benda macam ni, ramai yang jeles dan buat jadi isu, sebab dorang tak ada benda yang nak jual dan satu lagi malu nak bisnes, takut hilang macho kot. Sebab tu orang Melayu payah nak kaya, sebab semua harap makan gaji je, macam aku lah jugak. Tapi walau macamanapun aku dah start bisnes kecil-kecilan. Aku pun nak jadi kaya gak kan. Sapa tak nak kaya beb. Cuba korang buat survey mesti 100% org nak jadi kaya.Sekarang ni bulan puasa, tak lama lagi nak raya, maka bermulalah penjualan biskut-biskut raya kat opis2, termasuklah kat opis aku. Tapi aku respek kat kawan aku ni, sebab tujuan dia nak tolong makcik dia. Dia dah start masa belum puasa lagi, yang aku suka tu time promo biskut2 tu, dapatlah aku makan free..hehehe. tapi tart nenas dia sedap tau,itu belum biskut nestum, biskut FSO® dll, tapi semua sedap, harga RM15 jer satu tabung, adalah dalam 50 keping kot.Habis..bab biskut, skang ni bulan pose kena cerita pasal pose sket.
Petang dah pukul 5 , time to go home (?), maklumlah aku kat KL ni bujang (MBA- Married but avialable), so apa lagi discuss ngan Amin venue nak buka pose. Bincag punya bincang, last2 masing-masing decide,"Ari ni kita buka kat rumah lah,"so, aku pun balik rumah aku, Amin balik rumah dia.

Note: Rumah aku kat Gombak, Rumah Amin kat Bangi, kita org dua2 MBA kat sini.
Apa menu buka pose hari ye.... ala aku pun decide makan kurma sama air kosong dah lah, pastu teringat pulak aku ada beli Nescafe BREAKFAST, apa lagi kacau lah satu mug.... Org azan je ..itulah apa aku makan dan minum. Lepas sembahyang Terawih, perut berkeroncong lah pulak. Pegi kedai apa tah kat Madrasah kat Gombak Setia, dia jual Nasi Kukus sama Ayam Dara Goreng resepi Pok Nik Pasar Selayang. Pekena sebungkus perkhhh kenyang gile, aku cakap ngkau.
Dah makan ngantuk lah pulak. Ala baring je lah kejap , tengok alaram dah set so no problemlah..trutttt..truuut alarm bunyi...ceh dah pukul 0638 am dah..Itu pasalah masa aku tengah tulis blog ni perut aku keroncong semacam je...

p/s: ari ni tak de gambar sebab camera aku tinggal kat rumah.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Buka Puasa...Part 2

Semalam 26/9/2006, hari ke-3 puasa. Aku seperti biasa bersama Amin, ter-wonder -wonder kat mana nak buka puasa, tak kan nak gi area Masjid India lagi, lama-lama karang ada bau kari pulak.

5pm, kita orang dah sampai bawah dah. Kalau biasa pekena rokok dulu sebatang dua pastu baru decide nak merayau kat mana, bulan puasa beb, mana boleh buat semua tu. Bincang punya bincang , akhirnya Ampang Park jugak jadi pilihan, Shopping Complex yang terdekat.
Ampang Park - lepak tak tau apa nak buat, sambil2 bincang nak buka kat mana. Alamak kat sini banyak godaan rupanya, ramai pulak Amoi (GRO kat Ampang Park punya pub yg kat atas tu) melintas kat depan kita orang, pakaian masyallah dasyat aku cakap engkau, setengah tu dahlah pakai hot pants, sikit bawah lagi aku bet mesti nampak bulu punya. Itu Cina tak kesahlah mungkin stail diaorang kot. Tempat kita orang lepak tu betul-beul depan kedai jual beg, aku tengok dalam kedai beg tu lagi dahsyat, awek melayu yang baru nak kenal dunia (aku agak baru abis sekolah kot), pakai lagi dahsyat, seluar Jeans tapi bangsa yg cawat pendek punya, pakai baju nampak pusat punya, leleh sikit je seluar tu aku sure nampak bulu punya. Ini bukan cerita seks, tapi aku nak cakap orang melayu punya moral sekarang dah dahsyat beb, nak lawan kaum yg bukan melayu, yang bukan Islam. Jangan cakap aku renung dia org, semua tu pandangan aku secara sepintas lalu.
Dahsyat2 kat KL ni, kalau orang cakap aku org ulu pun aku tak kesah,

" Biasalah, brother ni kan KL, org pakai seksi tu biasalah, kat kampung pun ada gak yang pakai seksi" kata sorang budak kat aku, bila aku komen pasal pakaian dia orang.
Bukan pasal biasa tak biasa, kalau bangsa lain, yg agama lain selain Islam aku pun tak kesah, bukan tanggungjawab aku. Ini org Islam, nanti apa aku nak cakap kat akhirat nanti. At, least kalau aku dapat membenci dgn hati, itulah selemah-lemah iman.

Oklah sampai lah time dekat2 buka puasa, so aku dgn Amin decide kitaorang buka puasa kat Pelita Samudera Restoran, dekat je dgn opis kitaorang. Aku pun ajaklah adik aku makan sekali, kebetulan dia pun on the way balik rumah.

Aku dgn Amin biasalah simple je, aku order roti telur double, Amin pun order roti telur double, aku order teh tarik Amin pun order teh tarik, sampaikan aku order air suam, dia pun ikut sama order air suam, apalah mamat ni, ingatkan masa isi form nak ambik exam je meniru , sampai makan pun dia tiru..ishh...ishh...ishh. Nak tahu itu hari dia punya tiru aku masa isi form, sampai bab no telefon pun dia letak aku punya.

Ni lah benda yang kitorang (Aku, Amin dan Adik aku) makan masa berbuka semalam.

Nasi Goreng Ayam

Roti canai, Roti Telur and Teh Tarik

Teh O Ais Limau
Dah lah aku sendiri pun tak tahan tengok ni, time buka lambat lagi.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Buka Puasa

For muslim buka puasa is the best moment in a day of ramadan. 1-2 hours before buka puasa or break fast, you can see a lot of people go their favourite stall or shop to by appetizer or ready made food for their buka puasa time.

There also a bunch of idiot muslim cannot stand the hunger, and take a shortcut by eating at a hidden places. As a muslim remember that Allah can see you wherever you are, anywhere no need to hide though.

Yesterday me and my friend Amin, we had a very simple buka puasa meal, kurma and plain water,(actually that is the best if you can do it every single day in ramadan). We sit in front of SOGO Jln Tunku Abd Rahman right on the outside step facing the Kedai Nasi Kandar in front of us, but the eating desire is much more stronger than our iman. I think you know what happened next......
Totally our buka puasa meal yesterday:
1 small btl dutchlady fruit yogurt drink
1 500ml mineral water
10 kurma
1 Mee Goreng Mamak
1 Teh Tarik Halia
1 small btl dutchlady fruit yogurt drink
10 kurma
Mee Goreng Mamak
1 Teh Tarik
Amin cannot finish his Mee Goreng (waster is a friend of Iblis, nauzubillah), mine only left the Cili potong (to hot for buka puasa), imagine one day without anything coming in suddenly you eat the hot chilly, fuhhhh!!!
Some example of the buka puasa meal (not the one we ate yesterday)

Enough for today, tak tahan tengok.( Actually there are so many meal photo to be download). I will post it later on.

Bye for now



Monday, September 25, 2006


Normally when you have a meeting where is the venue? Meeting room, conference room or maybe in your boss room.
Sometimes it makes me thinking of the advertisement in the TV some years ago, where people meeting in stand up.I think that is the most effective way of meeting, save your time and your breath as well. I'm sure people won't ask the trifling question. Why? Because they think it will make the meeting longer and the longer the meeting the weary they are.

Actually I hate long meeting and when people start to show off in front of boss. Actually this kind of people didn't go anywhere, the silent guys always go up, don't believe, believe it! (courtesy of Ripley Believe It or Not)

Borak cum unofficial meeting in office (photo below):

King, Shahril and Maznan in their regular meeting at 4:59pm before cabut @ 5:00pm. Note: The office entrance is at the left side of the picture just behind Maznan. See how close they are?

p/s:Sorry guy no other photo to put here, so you got to be a prey this time, insyallah next time it will be somebody else.

This is not a meeting, this photo was taken during my friend Anizal gathering "makan" time.

See all the smiling face, it's not because somebody make a joke, but beacuse of the variety of food they will consume.

p/s: for info I wasn't in the pack.

To my office mate: Sorry guys, for the joke

Cheers and Selamat berpuasa to all muslims.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Berenti Keje

Gathering kawan kat opis (opis aku ni org nak berenti punyalah happy siap buat makan-makan lagi)
Assalamualaikum semua,

Korang terpikir tak pasal apa orang tetiba je nak berenti keje. Satu sebab gaji kat tempat baru lagi power, dua kat company baru lagi grand, kat tempat baru working time lagi flexible kot.
Tapi dalam 3 alasan tadi, yang paling popular aku rasa mesti pasal gaji.
Dua tiga hari lepaas ada sorang kawan sepejabat aku dah berenti keje, masuk tempat baru, bila aku tanya apsal ,kan kat sini gaji dah power, dia jawab "kat sana lagi power, bang". Hishhh... rupanya ada lagi company yang sanggup bayar lagi tinggi.
Nampak gaya aku kena recce jugak ni.

Tapi biasalah kalau dah nak berenti baru bos ada bukak mata sket kot. Baru nak offer lebih sikit, sedangkan kawan aku ni dah berbuih mintak naik gaji, tapi haram tak dipedulikan bos dia. Bila dia tak terima mulalah bos dia tu (bukan bos aku tau, bos kami lain2) bikin cerita , kata mamat ni tak baguslah, kuat ularlah and so on... Aku pun pernah jadi bos jugak kat kompeni lama dulu tapi tak de lah nak memburuk-buruk kan orang, dah rezeki dia nak buat macamana kan.

Bos dia ni aku ingatlah bangsa jenis tak bersyukur kot. Kawan aku tu bukannya pekerja separuh mahir, tapi pekerja mahir tu.

Aku pun sebenarnya tak pernah lekat kat satu tempat, 1-2 tahun mesti aku blah punya. Bukan tak loyal tapi sebenarnya itulah caranya org yg kurang pelajaran macam aku ni, kalau stay satu tempat mungkin gaji aku masih di takuk lam kot dan alhamdulillah apa yg aku dapat sekarang jauh lebih baik dari apa yg aku impikan 10 tahun dulu, boleh di kirakan mewah jugak lah.

Kekadang aku ni cepat lupa dgn pemberian Allah s.w.t., tu lah pasal aku tak jadi org kaya kot, dengan gaji je aku dah cepat lupa, inikan pulak kalau Allah jadikan aku jutawan. Masyallah.
p/s: takde keje report dah siap , dah submit pun.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Kepok Gondel

Kepok Gondel: Work in KL

As a kampung boy, life in KL won't easy for me. Firstly, got to get everything settled. After few years in the foreign country now I'm back to serve my country.
Maybe sound a bit late, but as school drop out like me I'm very proud with what I'm doing rite now.
I love with what I got now, syukur Alhamdulillah.
Don't have good idea to blog. Bye for now.