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Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday or Jumaat

Friday - the day that full of wisdom. Out of Ramadhan we are not encourage to fast on this day, because it is a small Hari Raya gathering for all muslim.Heaven and Hell was created by Allah on friday. Earth was created on Friday and so many wonders happen on Friday.But, today I'm really hungry, I get my sahur done, but it so weird why on earth my stomach feeling so nauseate, this nauseating feeling came once a while,but it's make me so uncomfortable. Sometimes feeling like to vomit, it can make my puasa void for today.I think this may cause from what I have for my sahur, ketupat and rendang daging, do you think so? But, insyallah I will oppose(?) or fight(?) this feeling as hard as I can.Today is the day that all this weekend husband a.k.a MBA will go back to their love one. MBA won't be available for 2 days i.e. Saturday and Sunday. Ladies pls note that...hahaha.2 days that will be filled with a buka puasa (break fast-at dusk ) sahur (post midnight meal - beforedawn) ,activities with family, the rest of the day is sleeping and sleeping as much as you can activity (don't make mistake by my statement actually Islam encourage you to piety devotion to Allah and good deeds.), this is the way I spend my weekend most of the time.One the one of the Hadith, I cannot remember the Perawilah says" If you do not fast during the day of ramadhan without any reason that allowed you to break your fast, even you replace the fast (that you left behid) the whole of your life, it won't be acceptable" Today is Friday, I need to go for my Friday prayer (3 times you don't go without proper/acceptable reason you'll become kafir you know. Nauzubillahimanzalik).

Dah lah aku nak gi Solah jumaat ni,

Saturday and Sunday, striker will be off from blogging.

Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.

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