Powerful Egg(s)
Anybody have any idea what is this? Hahaha..this is what so called "telur power" means powerful egg, consist of 2 half boiled egg, ginger, lemongrass, black pepper, 2-3 unknown spices and for sure honey.
@Keropok Lekor - Terengganu Most Famous Delicacy
Anybody have any idea what is this? Hahaha..this is what so called "telur power" means powerful egg, consist of 2 half boiled egg, ginger, lemongrass, black pepper, 2-3 unknown spices and for sure honey.
Di aghong oleh
2:43 PM
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This another beautiful photo courtesy from DCM Forum, taken by Shaolin Tiger. Can you see the detail of this raindrop? How beautiful it's stick on the leaf?
I really admire this photo, the way the photographer compose the picture is very nice, but how nice it is the creator of this creature (creature?) is still the great. Do you know who is the creator of all this thing? It is Allah s.w.t. the greatest of all.
That's why ,we as the slave of Him, shall thanks to Him everyday, we really admire His creation but do we admire the creator? Sometime we are easily forget that we are create by Him.
We as the imperfect human being shall try not to forget him too much. Everything we do in our daily life shall be accordance to what He has ruled. Trust me forget him not, He won't forget you either.
Happy Holiday
Di aghong oleh
3:19 PM
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Gambar bunga ni aku ambik masa hari raya baru2 ni, nicely bloom. Species tak tahu, tapi colourful dan cantik punya pasal aku snap lah sekeping.
Memang cantik ciptaan Allah s.w.t. tapi kita manusia tak pernah menghargai kecantikan, kesempurnaan dan bermacam-macam lagi pemberian Allah s.w.t.
Kita kadang-kadang selalu lupa, benda yang pada zahirnya tak berapa cantik sebenarnya tersimpan 1001 rahsia, macam pkok bunga ni lah, selama ini aku selalu tak perasan pun sebenarnya sebab pokok dia biasa je, tapi sekali dia berbunga, lihatlah betapa cantiknya ia.
Sama jugak dengan kita selalu tengok orang secara luaran aje, tapi apa yang sebenarnya tersirat disebalik yang kita tengok hanya Allah s.w.t sahaja yang tahu.
So, eloklak kita muhasabah diri kita, nilaikan dulu sesuatu sebelum kita membuat sebarang kesimpulan.
Aku rasa semua orang ingin berubah kearah yang lebih baik, tak ada siapa pun nak jadi tak baik, tapi pokok pangkalnya hati kita dan sekuat mana azam kita nak menjadikan sesuatu itu realiti.
Macam aku sendiri pun, dah berapa kali berenti hisap rokok, lepas 5-6 bulan hisap balik, kenapa? Sebab hati tak kuat, azam tak kuat. Itu aje sebenarnya.
Begitu jugak kita dengan Allah s.w.t. kalau ditimpa kesusahan je, doa bukan main panjang mintak itu, mintak ini tapi apa yang kita beri kat Dia? Adakah kita beribadat kepada Dia sampai bengka-bengkak kaki macam Rasulullah s.a.w? Tak malu ke kita kepadaNya? Tapi Allah itu maha pemurah dan maha mengasihani.
Di aghong oleh
4:41 PM
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Here's the riddle,
How many faces can you find? Me? I can find all 11 faces, quite good huh? All you need to do is concerntrate and be sure you're not color blind.
Just came back from long holiday (Eid Al-Fitr Holiday), still clueless, still numb, still tired, still broke - have to wait for next month pay, still got plenty of "kuih raya" (biscuit for the Eid Celebration), still sleepy cause from long distance driving from my hometown to KL this morning yet still happy from what happened during the Eid celebration.
To all welcome back to work.
Di aghong oleh
4:20 PM
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Amacam sejak dari semalam orang semua dah start balikraya, jalan dalam KL pun dah mula kurang sibuk, bertukar pulak kat hi-way sekarang yang semakin sibuk.
Dulu orang yang nak balik ke Pantai Timur terpaksa lah lalu jalan negeri iaitu jalan lama melalui Karak, Temerloh, Maran, Gambang Kuantan...hingga Kuala Terengganu.
Bagus jugak dengan kewujudan LPT ni, cepat sikit kalau aku nak balik kampung. Tapi ada satu dua perkara yang aku rasa terkilan sikit, apsal Terengganu sebagai negeri yang banyak menyumbangkan hasil kat Malaysia ni begitu ketinggalan dari segi pembangunan, masa kerajaan pimpinan Datuk Seri Amar Diraja Wan Mokhtar Ahmad dulu, Kemaman je nampak maju sikit, pastu Datuk Seri Haji Abdul Hadi Haji Awang duit pulak kena sekat , tapi nampaknya he manage to pay the slary of the state government personel. Sekarang ni Datuk Idris Jusoh (aku panggil Ayoh Yeh jer), nampak lagi teruk, Monsoon Cup lah, Equastrianlah, tapi orang kebanyakan macam aku ni dapat apa, dapat tengok? Buat apa, bukan minat pun benda2 camtu.
Aku bukannya orang politik , tapi itu semua dari pemerhatian aku selama ini lah.
Happy Eid Al-Mubarak to all my friend out there.
p/s: tahun ni balik raya naik flight, tak leh nak observed keadaaan jalan raya time balik raya. tiket bas boleh habis pulak....
Di aghong oleh
6:29 PM
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I got this from my friend. This clip will show you how easy the wafat ( death) is for the choosen one. Concentrate on his forehead how life was seperated from death. Hopefully one day I wiil be the choosen one like this, and I pray to Allah not to deviate my faith and believe towards Him. I always pray all my family and I will be one of the syuhada' and will be accepted in his firdaus (paradise). Remember that the death is true, the heaven is true and the hell is true. All His promise is true, there's nothing more true than Him.
" O Allah please accept my du'a to you, please don't deviate my heart from believing in you"
My friend believe me the only truth is in Islam. He's the creator of the heaven and hell.
Translation from Surah Ar-Rahman
1. The Most Beneficent (Allah)
2. Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an(by His Mercy).
3. He created man.
4. He taught him eloquent speech.
5. The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning, etc.).
6. And the herbs (or stars) and the trees both prostrate.
7. And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance.
8. In order that you may not transgress (due) balance.
9. And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.
10. And the earth He has put for the creatures.
11. Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates).
12. And also corn, with (its) leaves and stalk for fodder, and sweet-scented plants.
13. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
14. He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery.
15. And the jinns did He create from a smokeless flame of fire.
16. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
17. (He is) the Lord of the two easts (places of sunrise during early summer and early winter) and the Lord of the two wests (places of sunset during early summer and early winter).
18. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
19. He has let loosed the two seas (the salt water and the sweet) meeting together.
20. Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress.
21. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
22. Out of them both come out pearl and coral.
23. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
24. And His are the ships going and coming in the seas, like mountains.
25. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
26. Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish.
27. And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will abide forever.
28. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
29. Whosoever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him (its needs from Him). Every day He has a matter to bring forth (such as giving honour to some, disgrace to some, life to some, death to some, etc.)!
30. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
31. We shall attend to you, O you two classes (jinns and men)!
32. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
33. O assembly of jinns and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except with authority (from Allah)!
34. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
35. There will be sent against you both, smokeless flames of fire and (molten) brass, and you will not be able to defend yourselves.
36. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
37. Then when the heaven is rent asunder, and it becomes rosy or red like red-oil, or red hide.
38. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
39. So on that Day no question will be asked of man or jinn as to his sin, (because they have already been known from their faces either white or black).
40. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
41. The Mujrim?> (polytheists, criminals, sinners, etc.) will be known by their marks (black faces), and they will be seized by their forelocks and their feet.
42. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
43. This is Hell which the Mujrim?> (polytheists, criminals, sinners, etc.) denied.
44. They will go between it (Hell) and the boiling hot water!
45. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
46. But for him who [the true believer of Islamic Monotheism who performs all the duties ordained by Allah and His Messenger Muhammad , and keeps away (abstain) from all kinds of sin and evil deeds prohibited in Islam and fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens (i.e. in Paradise).
47. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
48. With spreading branches;
49. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
50. In them (both) will be two springs flowing (free)
51. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
52. In them (both) will be every kind of fruit in pairs.
53. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
54. Reclining upon the couches lined with silk brocade, and the fruits of the two Gardens will be near at hand.
55. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
56. Wherein both will be those (maidens) restraining their glances upon their husbands, whom no man or jinn yatmithhunna (has opened their hymens with sexual intercourse) before them.
57. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
58. (In beauty) they are like rubies and coral.
59. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
60. Is there any reward for good other than good?
61. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
62. And besides these two, there are two other Gardens (i.e. in Paradise).
63. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
64. Dark green (in colour).
65. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
66. In them (both) will be two springs gushing forth water.
67. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
68. In them (both) will be fruits, and date- palms and pomegranates.
69. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
70. Therein (gardens) will be fair (wives) good and beautiful;
71. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
72. Houris (beautiful, fair females) restrained in pavilions;
73. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
74. Whom no man or jinn yatmithhunna (has opened their hymens with sexual intercourse) before them.
75. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
76. Reclining on green cushions and rich beautiful mattresses.
77. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
78. Blessed be the Name of your Lord (Allah, the Owner of Majesty and Honour.)
Happy Ramadhan
Di aghong oleh
3:49 PM
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Berapa ekor kuda yang korang nampak kat gambar kat atas tu? Diberitakan terdapat 7 ekor kuda dalam gambar tu, tapi apa yang aku nampak 5/6 ekor je, sekor dah missing.
Main kuda macam ni tak pe, jangan main kuda kat turf club seri kembangan sana tu, haram berjudi tau.
Kalau nak kaya cepat meniaga, jangan dok main judi, nanti kayap jadi nya, jadi kudis lagi susah nak ubat. Judi ni boleh buat keluarga porak peranda. Duit habiskan untuk judi je sama macam penagih dadah je peunjudi ni, teringat aku sorang penagih dadah kat tempat aku. Isteri dia jadi maid kat rumah kakak aku, pastu dorang ada anak kecik dalam proses menyusu lagi lah kiranya.
Cukup bulan dah dapat gaji si isteri ni beli lah susu anak (org susah tau jelah kan nak dapatkan susu anak yg mahal ni), tup tup bawak balik rumah belum sempat bagi kat anak si suami durjana ni ambik susu tu jual buat beli dadah dia, esok nya si isteri datang mengadu dengan kakak aku. Sebab kesiankan dia kakak aku berilah duit lain kat maid dia.
Aku kalau benda-benda macam ni cukup benganglah, sebab utama aku rasa ajaran agama tak cukup, pastu mak bapak mewahkan sangat dengan wang ringgit, pastu mak ayah terlalu sibuk dengan kerja memasing, tak ambik tahu sangat pasal anak, yg dorang tahu bagi duit, at last bila anak dah rosak baru sibuk-sibuk nak berubat, dah telambat dah. Dia orang ni bukan tak boleh sembuh boleh, tapi jarang sangat orang-orang macam ni, ada keazaman yg tinggi untuk berubah, mudah mengalah dengan keadaan.
Zaman sekarang ni, dadah dah bermacam-macam jenis, sampai kita pun tak kenal benda yang anak kita bawak balik tu dadah ke ubat. Satu lagi kita ni jenis tak berapa prihatin pasal benda2 dadah ni, kalau ada pameran kita lalu je tak nak singgah tengok, tak nak update sikit knowledge kita yang seberapa ni.
Perkara yang paling penting ialah masukkan agama kedalam hati anak-anak kita, jangan setakat nak lepas periksa je, tapi pastikan yang dia orang ni betul2 paham apa yang dipelajari. Kalau anak2 dah paham, tak payah kita nak monitor lebih2 pun, dia orang sendiri boleh bezakan apa yang baik dan apa yang buruk. Kita pun kena banyakkan ibadat, panjatkan doa kepada Allah selalu, jangan doa nak jadi kaya je, doa kan diri dan keluarga jauh dari syaitan, mintak mati dalam iman.
Kita banyak berdoa bila anak2 nak ambik periksa, mintak anak dapat semua A lagi, apa kita tak malu dengan Allah ke? Time senang kita tak ingat kat Dia, time nak sesuatu mintak, kalau tak makbul, siap merungut, muhasabah sikit diri tu , tengok apsal Allah tak makbulkan doa kita.
Di aghong oleh
3:06 PM
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Yang ni RM 1,888
Yang ni pulak RM1,288
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4:22 PM
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Di aghong oleh
9:28 AM
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You like fast car and stupid dude ,enjoy this video.
Malas ah nak nulis ari ni.
Di aghong oleh
4:19 PM
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Currently doing: Hari ni buka puasa kat concorde
Gambar kat atas tu menunjukkan betapa kebanyakan dari kita bekerja di bangunan yang tinggi, kalau ingat kan 9/11 punya hal tak berani pulak rasanya nak keje kat tempat2 macam ni. Tapi apakan daya kita semua perlu cari makan kan.
So korang tak rasa takut ke kerja dekat bangunan yang tinggi-tinggi ni, especially owned by American company.
So, pesan aku kita tak tahu bila kita mati, banyakkanlah ibadat terutama dibulan ramadan ni, kalau buatnya bangunan tempat keje kita runtuh at least modal kita dah ada sikit nak menjawab kat alam lain nanti. Puasa jgn tinggal, solat kena jaga, zakat bayar, haji dah mampu pegi,jgn nak pikir beli kete jer. Derma tu mau banyak sikit, jgn banyak sgt soalan, budak mintak derma tu sindiket lah, di orang tipu nak buat masjid lah, tak paya h soal pasal tu semua, Allah Maha Mengetahui niat kita, derma jelah dengan ikhlas, tipu tak tipu tu dia orang punya pasal. Betul tak. Entah-entah hari jumaat yg akan datang ni dah kiamat siapa tahu kan?
Di aghong oleh
3:25 PM
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What kueh is this?Anybody?
This nothing thrill to me, because I did it every single week without a miss yet. Actually "balik kampung " is the most thrilling moment for those who seldom going back to their hometown for holiday.
Last night, when I on my way to the bus station (to come back to KL), suddenly I got a call from my friend Ezuddin, asking me whether I could accompany him to KL. As a friend I , best friend indeed , I don't mind to sacrifice my RM25.40 MARALiner ticket, just for him. Note: You will understand if you have this kind of friend
Usually when the bus start to move and I start to snore. Last night I wasn't allowed to sleep all the way from Dungun to Kuala Lumpur (Gombak), it's 414km overall. 414km not a short distance, what am I doing.
Alhamdulillah, at 0400hrs this morning we arrived Gombak save and sound. After we have our Nasi Kukus Ayam Dara resepi Pak Nik Pasar Selayang, we moved to my "rumah bujang" to get rest.
Again this morning I have to lie (kureng pahala pose aku) to my boss ,saying that I just arrived at 1000am today due to car brokedown. I need some sleep to be productive on the rest of the day...you know Monday..is the most uneffective day of work. Lot of laughter last nite with heavy head, sleepy eyes today.
Di aghong oleh
2:34 PM
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Currently doing: Sleepy day
Friday - the day that full of wisdom. Out of Ramadhan we are not encourage to fast on this day, because it is a small Hari Raya gathering for all muslim.Heaven and Hell was created by Allah on friday. Earth was created on Friday and so many wonders happen on Friday.But, today I'm really hungry, I get my sahur done, but it so weird why on earth my stomach feeling so nauseate, this nauseating feeling came once a while,but it's make me so uncomfortable. Sometimes feeling like to vomit, it can make my puasa void for today.I think this may cause from what I have for my sahur, ketupat and rendang daging, do you think so? But, insyallah I will oppose(?) or fight(?) this feeling as hard as I can.Today is the day that all this weekend husband a.k.a MBA will go back to their love one. MBA won't be available for 2 days i.e. Saturday and Sunday. Ladies pls note that...hahaha.2 days that will be filled with a buka puasa (break fast-at dusk ) sahur (post midnight meal - beforedawn) ,activities with family, the rest of the day is sleeping and sleeping as much as you can activity (don't make mistake by my statement actually Islam encourage you to piety devotion to Allah and good deeds.), this is the way I spend my weekend most of the time.One the one of the Hadith, I cannot remember the Perawilah says" If you do not fast during the day of ramadhan without any reason that allowed you to break your fast, even you replace the fast (that you left behid) the whole of your life, it won't be acceptable" Today is Friday, I need to go for my Friday prayer (3 times you don't go without proper/acceptable reason you'll become kafir you know. Nauzubillahimanzalik).
Dah lah aku nak gi Solah jumaat ni,
Saturday and Sunday, striker will be off from blogging.
Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.
Di aghong oleh
12:11 PM
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Salah ke tak salah kalau kita buat bisnes kat opis. Kalau tanya pendapat aku, aku rasa tak salah - tak salah langsung. Ianya salah kalau mengganggu kerja kita, betul tak.Sebenarnya benda macam ni, ramai yang jeles dan buat jadi isu, sebab dorang tak ada benda yang nak jual dan satu lagi malu nak bisnes, takut hilang macho kot. Sebab tu orang Melayu payah nak kaya, sebab semua harap makan gaji je, macam aku lah jugak. Tapi walau macamanapun aku dah start bisnes kecil-kecilan. Aku pun nak jadi kaya gak kan. Sapa tak nak kaya beb. Cuba korang buat survey mesti 100% org nak jadi kaya.Sekarang ni bulan puasa, tak lama lagi nak raya, maka bermulalah penjualan biskut-biskut raya kat opis2, termasuklah kat opis aku. Tapi aku respek kat kawan aku ni, sebab tujuan dia nak tolong makcik dia. Dia dah start masa belum puasa lagi, yang aku suka tu time promo biskut2 tu, dapatlah aku makan free..hehehe. tapi tart nenas dia sedap tau,itu belum biskut nestum, biskut FSO® dll, tapi semua sedap, harga RM15 jer satu tabung, adalah dalam 50 keping kot.Habis..bab biskut, skang ni bulan pose kena cerita pasal pose sket.
Petang dah pukul 5 , time to go home (?), maklumlah aku kat KL ni bujang (MBA- Married but avialable), so apa lagi discuss ngan Amin venue nak buka pose. Bincag punya bincang, last2 masing-masing decide,"Ari ni kita buka kat rumah lah,"so, aku pun balik rumah aku, Amin balik rumah dia.
Note: Rumah aku kat Gombak, Rumah Amin kat Bangi, kita org dua2 MBA kat sini.
Apa menu buka pose hari ye.... ala aku pun decide makan kurma sama air kosong dah lah, pastu teringat pulak aku ada beli Nescafe BREAKFAST, apa lagi kacau lah satu mug.... Org azan je ..itulah apa aku makan dan minum. Lepas sembahyang Terawih, perut berkeroncong lah pulak. Pegi kedai apa tah kat Madrasah kat Gombak Setia, dia jual Nasi Kukus sama Ayam Dara Goreng resepi Pok Nik Pasar Selayang. Pekena sebungkus perkhhh kenyang gile, aku cakap ngkau.
Dah makan ngantuk lah pulak. Ala baring je lah kejap , tengok alaram dah set so no problemlah..trutttt..truuut alarm bunyi...ceh dah pukul 0638 am dah..Itu pasalah masa aku tengah tulis blog ni perut aku keroncong semacam je...
p/s: ari ni tak de gambar sebab camera aku tinggal kat rumah.
Di aghong oleh
10:11 AM
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Semalam 26/9/2006, hari ke-3 puasa. Aku seperti biasa bersama Amin, ter-wonder -wonder kat mana nak buka puasa, tak kan nak gi area Masjid India lagi, lama-lama karang ada bau kari pulak.
Di aghong oleh
9:58 AM
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For muslim buka puasa is the best moment in a day of ramadan. 1-2 hours before buka puasa or break fast, you can see a lot of people go their favourite stall or shop to by appetizer or ready made food for their buka puasa time.
Di aghong oleh
11:38 AM
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Normally when you have a meeting where is the venue? Meeting room, conference room or maybe in your boss room.
Sometimes it makes me thinking of the advertisement in the TV some years ago, where people meeting in stand up.I think that is the most effective way of meeting, save your time and your breath as well. I'm sure people won't ask the trifling question. Why? Because they think it will make the meeting longer and the longer the meeting the weary they are.
Actually I hate long meeting and when people start to show off in front of boss. Actually this kind of people didn't go anywhere, the silent guys always go up, don't believe, believe it! (courtesy of Ripley Believe It or Not)
p/s:Sorry guy no other photo to put here, so you got to be a prey this time, insyallah next time it will be somebody else.
See all the smiling face, it's not because somebody make a joke, but beacuse of the variety of food they will consume.
p/s: for info I wasn't in the pack.
Di aghong oleh
9:59 AM
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Currently doing: Office Meeting
Di aghong oleh
10:23 AM
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Kepok Gondel: Work in KL
As a kampung boy, life in KL won't easy for me. Firstly, got to get everything settled. After few years in the foreign country now I'm back to serve my country.
Maybe sound a bit late, but as school drop out like me I'm very proud with what I'm doing rite now.
I love with what I got now, syukur Alhamdulillah.
Don't have good idea to blog. Bye for now.
Di aghong oleh
2:15 PM
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My blog is worth $1,129.08.
How much is your blog worth?